Thursday, June 09, 2005

Meeting folio

I've been crazy busy lately. What has it been, a month since I've posted? Here's a quick around-the-office hack to tide us over:

Keep a padfolio with its own pad and pen, which you only use for meetings. When you print out agendas or other materials to distribute, stick them in the folio so they'll be ready for your meeting.

You can also keep spare reading material there, to get to while you're waiting, in case of delays. Having something to read or work on beats sitting, twiddling your thumbs.

You don't have to buy an expensive padfolio of "rich, Corinthian leather", either. I actually have 2 expensive padfolios that I received as gifts, but never used because I thought they made me appear a little too self-important. I got a down-to-business, plastic, yet still presentable folio at the local office supply store for under $5.